Bulkeley Hall Renovation

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Bulkeley Hall Renovation
Guantanamo Bay Naval Station
Guantanamo, Cuba
Department of the Navy
Contract # N69450-08-D-1283
Contract Support: US Navy
Prime Contractor: Toltest Inc.
Project Manager: Nick Nemire
Sub Contract Amount: $1,415,196.00
Final Sub Contract Amount: $1,415,196.00
Contract Award Date: 12/15/2011
Contract Completion Date: 11/26/2012


Bulkeley Hall, located on the Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, houses the Commanders Office, SCIF Office, Master Chief Office, Emergency Management Office, Security Operations, Inspector Generals Office, Port and Air Operations and Auditorium among others and is the nerve center on the Base. The renovation was Primed by Toltest, Inc. of Maumee OH. FM Internationals contract covered aprox. 85% of the work scope. Our scope included the removal of all the existing duct work of the two (2) story building, removal of two (2), seventy five (75) ton Roof Top Units and existing pneumatic controls. The project was done in two (2) phases, second floor and first floor. The building required the first floor to be occupied and functional through out the length of the project. We assisted in the design and installed a Chiller Plant located next to Bulkeley Hall, excavated, welded and installed and insulated the chilled water piping underground and exposed to the new roof mounted Air Handling Units. Fabricated and shipped via Barge all the ductwork and VAV boxes. Installed all new duct work, grills and registers and VAV boxes. Installed a new DDC control system (JCI) and commissioned the project.


This was a very time and security sensitive project, the building occupants worked along with the construction crews to accomplish the project in time and on budget.

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