Wappapello Lake Ductbank Project

Wappapello Lake Wappapello, MO
U.S. Army Corps – St. Louis District
Contract #W912P9-12-C-0429
Wappapello Duct Bank Project

Contract Support: USACE
Project Manager: Cynthia Jackson
Prime Contractor: Frische – Mullin Inc.
Project Manager: Ron Rego
Contract Amount: $821,599.00
Final Amount: $859,896.71
Contract Award Date: 9/24/2012
Contract Completion Date: 11/26/2013


The Wappapello Lake Park is operated by the United States Army Corp of Engineers and controls the water flow through the dam system located in the park. Due to a large rainfall there was considerable flood damage to the under ground and above ground power lines. The project included installation of multiple electrical and data duct banks to connect the Dam House Generator to the Visitors Center, Rest Area and Administration Offices located approximately 1.5 miles away. All the new duct banks were located underground and were designed to provide generated Hydro / Diesel power to feed the Visitors Center, Rest Area and Administration Offices during loss of power from the utility company. The project was performed during the parks’ off season (Winter) to limit the effect on the public’s use of the Parks offerings.


The client and the Park Rangers expressed total satisfaction in the performance of our team and final product.


 Proven excellence and quality in our projects, see our past performance results:
