Cleveland Job Corp

Cleveland Job Corp Cleveland, OH
Department of Labor
Contract # DOLJ131A22121
Design / Build HVAC System and Roofing Modifications

Contract Support: Parsons Inc.
Project Manager: Dave Ault
Prime Contractor: Frische – Mullin Inc.
Project Manager: Ron Rego
Contract Amount: $2,067,913.45
Final Amount: $2,092,086.00
Contract Award Date: 9/17/2013
Contract Completion Date: 9/1/2014

Summary: The existing Cleveland Job Corp campus was built in 2007 and is comprised of ten (10) individual buildings. Our contract involved work in nine (9) of the buildings. The original scope of the project was revised during the bidding process with Frische – Mullin, Inc. (now FM International, Inc.) to better serve the client and their needs. Our Team of Engineers, Architects and Project Manager evaluated the reasons the center didn’t perform properly and presented our findings along with our suggested new Scope of Work. Our calculations proved our ability to relocate nine of the existing Roof Top units to other locations on the buildings and required us to replace only six units and their duct systems with larger units. We installed seventy four (74) de-stratification fan throughout the campus to help recover the heat at the roof level of the open construction type buildings, added additional Window heating system to blanket the lobby area of the Educational building, relocated thirty (30) existing VAV boxes to conform to the manufacturers recommendations, replaced twelve (12) undersized VAV boxes, installed electric unit heaters in the Dorm stairways to prevent further freezing of the sprinkler system. Serviced the existing systems on four (4) of the buildings to prove those systems were capable of proper operation. Sealed the existing construction to prevent infiltration of out side air into the second floor of the dorms. Air balanced the systems to provide the proper air flows per our Designers recommendations.  


The client has expressed total satisfaction and the comfort level of the students dorm rooms and class rooms are better than expected.